Further Reading

Monday, 10 January 2011

Cards For Madeleine

Daily Merlin 10th January 2011
Keywords for spread:Acute alertness. Running out of time to change events. An achievement to be secured. An impending change. Old goals now outgrown. Isolation and listen more to others.
Can anything fresh be gleaned from this latest spread? Where in these symbols are there any indications of the current plight of Madeleine McCann? The symbols will almost always provide the answer to the question being asked by the querent. The question asked was a fresh inspiration to aid in ensuring Madeleine McCann is returned safely back to her parents. Therefore by proxy the answer is contained within these five images. First awareness is drawn to the reversal of The Chariot and a hint that the charioteer is no longer part of the situation. Job done the Pied Piper has been withdrawn from the task. The public's attention no longer required, the mogul no longer provides the scripts along which the story has to lead. In the ether is a change, hence the awakening from slumbers of the Daily Merlin. Something has been drawn into focus. The significator of the abductor sits on the central card ... symbolically in full view. But the physical clue of who has 'the child' has not been shown in this spread. Further review of the spread should gain this avenue once more. The Ace Of Cups reverberates the life force of the missing child... the sense of her still being alive is very strong at this point in the reading. Other factors can be determined ... MJ