Further Reading

Monday 24 January 2011

Has the Age of Aquarius Arrived?

Until recently, the Greek Hipparchus, was given the credit for discovering the procession of the equinoxes. This 25,920 cycle is the foundation for the Age of Pisces which by modern measurement puts each age as 2,160 years long. The procession causes the fixed stars to rise and set against the earth’s solar years so that at the first day of spring, which is the spring equinox, the constellation of Aries no longer rises but the constellation of Pisces does now. In contrast, the Egyptians started their year at the summer solstice when the constellation Orion rose with the sun to mark the beginning of the flooding of the Nile. With more insightful study of ancient myths and Egyptian temples, texts and myths, it now appears that the Egyptians priests knew and measured the procession back to the old kingdom and there are hints that this knowledge went back to the Age of Gemini which ended somewhere near 6,140 BC. In 1895, John Lockyer, the British Astronomer Royal, wrote The Dawn of Astronomy where he visited and measured most of the Egyptian temples to prove their alignment to fixed stars and their realignment every 400 years to compensate for the precession. He was highly disregarded in his time but recognized for his original thinking in the 70’s. Schwaller de Lubicz showed that the Zodiac of Dendera in the Temple of Hathor (around 100 BC) was actually a time clock measurement that marked the procession of the equinoxes from the Age of Pisces back to the Age of Taurus which started in 4380 BC by his calculations. Schwaller estimated the Age of Pisces to begin near 60 BC and the Age of Aquarius to begin at 2100 AD. Dr. Giorgio de Santillana, historian and author of Hamlet’s Mill, traced all the ancient myths and legends around the world to show they had a foundation in the description of the procession. Jane B. Sellers then extended Santillana’s concept in The Death of the Gods in Ancient Egypt by analyzing Egyptian myth to show the consistent reference to the procession of the stars in their religious beliefs in the Osiris- Horus myths. These myths were the center of their theology, they empowered the pharaohs, and determined their death beliefs and practices. The Orion Mystery by Robert Bauval (an engineer) and Adrian Gilbert use the procession of the equinoxes to add proof that the Great Pyramid and the King’s Chamber were used to send the dead Pharaoh’s spirit to the Orion constellation. By use of modern astronomy software they calculate the Age of Aquarius to begin approximately 2,070 AD when a half precession cycle of 12,920 shows the Orion constellation at it’s highest declination of -1 degree 50 seconds and it’s maximum altitude at the Meridian at 58 degrees 11 seconds. It’s opposite point at 10,300 BC would have been the beginning of the Age of Leo when Zeta Orionis would have a lowest declination of -48 degrees 53 seconds and an altitude at the meridian of 11 degrees 8 seconds....read more...Opinion: My own personal viewpoint, after decades of insights, is that the 'New Age Of Aquarius' began in the mid-sixties (When I was born coincidentally). It is likely that the Age Of Aquarius arrived sooner than most people have been led to believe. The shift in vibration has been occurring throughout my own life time. The shift we are now experiencing is the effect of The Crossing taking place, which is something totally different but has an equally dramatic effect on the human consciousness.