Further Reading

Sunday 23 January 2011

Huge Majority Oppose England Forest Sell-off, Poll Finds

'The vast majority of the public oppose the government's plan to sell off all or part of the publicly owned forests and woodland in England. A YouGov poll found that 84% of people agreed the woods and forests should be kept in public ownership for future generations, while only 2% disagreed. The plan has already prompted a mass demonstration in the ancient Forest of Dean, and an online petition organised by the campaign group 38 Degrees has attracted more than 164,000 names so far.
"Most British people want our woodlands protected for future generations and for wildlife. Yet right now the government is pushing through plans to privatise them," said David Babbs, executive director of 38 Degrees, whose members paid for the poll. "The government consultation looks like it will ask the wrong question. They are asking us how the forests should be privatised. But most of us don't want our forests privatised at all"....Read more: