Further Reading

Sunday 16 January 2011

The Quickening is here .......!!

It finally seems to be really upon us. Strange deaths of birds falling from the sky; tens of thousands of fish washing up dead on shorelines; the freak weather conditions that are now blighting large areas of the earth. It appears now the quickening is here ... a metaphysical theory I'd heard banded around for the last thirty years. The 'New Age Of Aquarius' is one of its titles. Well ... The 'Illuminati' have been endeavouring to slow us down with junk food diets, WIFI waves, microwaves, chemtrails, sodium flouride in water supplies ... all seemingly a deliberate action to make us too 'dumb to care' about what seems to be occurring on the planet. The earth's vibrational field is shifting, that's for sure ... according to ancient texts this takes place approximately every 15,000 - 30,000 years due to The Crossing ... the passing by of Wormwood. Another occurrence those nice Illuminati boys & girls have withheld from us. But back in 2002, I and many others around the world, captured images of a large cosmic body passing close to our sun. Indeed, there are many of these images of Nibiru here on A Light In The Darkness. The story goes that Nibiru causes floods, devastation, magnetic and vibrational changes on planet Earth. There is also the strong possibility Nibiru is part of the photon belt that also has a cyclic nature ... and returns to this part of the galaxy to lift the vibration of wherever it goes. A cosmic computer upgrade ... in other words. It's happening ... and the effects will only get worse from this point forward. I'd been given a 'download' on this information back in the 80's and was seemingly prepared for what was going to happen. From research on the net I know I am not alone. Forewarned is forearmed indeed. I was given information about 'safety zones' around the earth. With all the flooding currently occurring in Australia, it seems there is nowhere much safer than Canberra!

Recently, I've noticed other more subtle physical changes. I'm having recurrent dizzy spells ... a bit like a hangover without the alcohol. Heart palpitations and heartburn ... for no reason. Anxiety attacks and bouts of depression. My life force energy circuit seems well out of sync ... and there is a difference in my 'mystical performance' ... as it is becoming easier in many instances to connect with the other dimensions, despite the efforts of our illuminati brothers and sisters to bugger up our pineal/pituitary gland function to prevent such connections. And, I know I am not alone in suffering these symptoms ... as there are many people in my everyday mystical life going through the same.

So it seems like the mythical vibrational changes ... the quickening ... has finally started. All I know is ... I'm strapped in ready for one heck of a ride. As, I said before, I had some precognition over twenty years ago, warning me of what to expect. Sadly, for many this experience will not be a pleasant one ... for many others the transition into a fourth dimensional state of mind will be the enlightenment they have been seeking all their lives. The dress rehearsal is over ... soon we will all hit the stage in front of the theatre lights .... ..... MJ 16.1.11