Further Reading

Friday 28 January 2011

The Laughable Hyprocisy of Murdoch's Sky Television

Two Sky Television football presenters in the UK have been removed after 20 years, one was sacked and the other resigned before he was sacked, in a blatant conspiracy to get rid of them for some reason. Probably not coincidentally, one was in the process of suing a Murdoch-owned newspaper for illegally tapping his phone. They made some laddish sexist remarks off-air, not the nicest, nor the worst things you will ever hear in a football or journalistic environment, but the recording machines were still running. This footage was then made available to the media to destroy them. Sky then got on their high moral horse about treating women with respect — this is a company controlled by the same Rupert Murdoch that owns the Sun newspaper and the phone-tapping News of the World that treat women like sex objects in every edition. (David Icke)