Further Reading

Wednesday 5 January 2011

Master Number 33

The Master Number 33/6 is the highest Master Number acknowledged by many traditional texts ... perhaps because its strong emphasis on both love and intellect seemed once to represent the height of human potential. Some texts speak of its potential in terms approaching Divinity ... and some writings refer to Master Number 33/6 as the Avatar, the human representation of Divinity on earth. But as almost any owner of a Master Number 33/6 could tell you, there are no upper limits. Just temporary upper limits of human perception. With the expansion of consciousness probably mid-wifed by the Master Number 33/6s themselves, numerologists now realize that any doubled number is a Master Number, but the discovery of what some of the higher Master Numbers hold and mean is ongoing, and some contemporary writing is still speculative. No doubt time and greater awareness will help solve the keys to interpreting the special missions of the owners of Master Number 44/8, 55/1 and beyond. Meanwhile, please note that to own a Master Number vibration is to own tremendous potential ... but potential can still go unfulfilled ... or even become corrupted. Any Master Number can still resonate only to its lower vibration until and unless the soul who owns it brings its gifts out for development. To simply own a Master Number is no indication of special greatness ... let alone perfection. It simply indicates the seeds for such exist ... should they be properly tended and brought to harvest...read more...