Further Reading

Saturday, 15 January 2011

"You Are All Slaves"

Fractional reserve banking is very simple. It is simply a special privilege given to a man or group of men to create credit out of thin air; by extending this credit/debt to everyone else in society who does not have the same privilege, and then collecting from society the money plus interest, they become very rich without having to produce anything of value. The basic mathematics behind this system is very clear. If this system is left in place long enough, the man or group who controls this system of debt creation will own all the gold available in the nation. Once the supply of real money (gold) is in his or their hands, this man or group of men becomes the master of the entire nation. Why? Because this man or group of men controls the only source of operating medium (money) available through which the nation functions. Only the man who has the privilege of printing the money and loaning it at interest can determine who gets special funding—his friends and allies. Everyone else is limited to how much money they have access to; therefore, after two or three generations, the friends and allies of this "banker" will own all of the nation—just as America is now owned by a very small cadre of very wealthy men. How long this process takes to work its way through the wealth of the nation depends upon how successful the "banker" is in forcing, through bribery and corruption, the restriction of the formal government's issuance of real money backed by gold or silver. As the supply of real money shrinks, the people of the nation are forced to rely on the creation of a fictitious debt by the privileged few to a greater and greater extent, until finally, the only thing left is a massive amount of "unpayable debt," created from nothing and consisting only of the interest charged upon the fictitious debt, and collecting interest for every moment of its existence. All for the benefit of the privileged, who become the de facto (illegally usurped) government because of the "money power" they wield...read more...