Further Reading

Friday 18 February 2011

Introducing Base 8 - Chris Thomas

Although I was initially sceptical of the viewpoint offered in this video, by Chris Thomas, I would recommend giving it a listen ... along with other videos offered in the series. He offers a refreshing alternative viewpoint on the 'creation of mankind' and mankind's control by "alien forces". He suggests a thesis that the Annunaki arrived around 300 years ago and infiltrated mankind's past, 5000 years ago, to create a 'false history' which deemed them as our gods. I was initially dismissive of the theory .. but open minded enough to listen to his viewpoint. It has some credence ... especially when he states that the Annunaki influenced Sumerian scribes to record the history they wanted mankind to believe. The sumerian texts which tell of the Annunaki's invention of mankind to mine for gold etc ... have always seemed too controversial a story to have been uncovered as the truth. It's always rung as disinformation propaganda! They seemed too revealing on the nature of the force that holds mankind in its vice grip. It always seemed like it was a history THEY wanted us to believe.

There are a number of instances in Chris Thomas's thesis where it appears too far fetched ... however, there is sufficient food for thought to make his viewpoints worth listening to.