Further Reading

Monday 21 March 2011

As it was seen then: UFO sightings over 1950s Teesside, UK

Do you remember when UFOs or Flying Saucers as we used to call them were all the rage? Unidentified Flying Objects have not really gone away, people still maintain they have seen them, but some how the interest in the phenomena has shifted from the mainstream public consciousness into the realms of conspiracy theories. But back in the 1950s people were seeing the objects almost on a weekly basis and Teesside was no exception. We decided to have a look back at what was going on in the skies over Teesside back then. The very first report we could find in the Evening Gazette of a 'Flying Saucer' was on December 12, 1950 just three years after the first sighting by Kenneth Arnold in America who first used the term 'saucer' to describe the objects he saw. The report in the Evening Gazette read: "It was sure to happen sooner or later. A flying saucer is reported to have been seen on Teesside. Our informant, a 16-year-old from Yarm is quite clear that at 9.55 last night at Bank Top, Yarm he saw at a considerable height an object of a brilliant light green hue descending in a spiral in a north-easterly direction at an angle of 45 degrees. He said, 'It was something entirely different from what I have seen before. It was visible for two or three seconds and then it was gone....Read More