Further Reading

Saturday, 12 March 2011

"Operation Libya": The US-NATO Attempted Coup d'Etat in Libya and the Battle for Oil

The US and NATO are supporting an armed insurrection in Eastern Libya, with a view to justifying a "humanitarian intervention". This is not a non-violent protest movement as in Egypt and Tunisia. Conditions in Libya are fundamentally different. The armed insurgency in Eastern Libya is directly supported by foreign powers. The insurrection in Benghazi immediately hoisted the red, black and green banner with the crescent and star: the flag of the monarchy of King Idris, which symbolized the rule of the former colonial powers. (See Manlio Dinucci, 'Libya-When historical memory is erased', Global Research, Febraury 28, 2011) US and NATO military advisers and special forces are already on the ground. The operation was planned to coincide with the protest movement in neighbouring Arab countries. Public opinion was led to believe that the protest movement had spread spontaneously from Tunisia and Egypt to Libya...Read More