Welcome to "A Light In The Darkness" - a realm that explores the mysterious and the occult; the paranormal and the supernatural; the unexplained and the controversial; and, not forgetting, of course, the conspiracy theories; including Artificial Intelligence; Chemtrails and Geo-engineering; 5G and EMR Hazards; The Global Warming Debate; Trans-Humanism and Trans-Genderism; The Covid-19 and mRNA vaccine issues; The Ukraine Deception ... and a whole lot more.
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Tuesday, 22 March 2011
The Real Reasons Cannabis is Illegal
Above is an excellent clip of Joe Rogan discussing the history, facts, myths, and his personal experience using cannabis and DMT. The real reason marijuana is illegal is because the powers that be do not want you to freely grow your own sustainable resource for medicine, food, oil, textiles, paper products, building materials and entertainment. They want you dependent on their pharmaceuticals, their alcohol, their cigarettes, oil, food, clothing and entertainment. The US "War on Drugs" results in the arrest of over 1 million Americans each year and sets the example for nations around the world to enforce similar hypocritical drug laws. Your tax money is spent on maintaining and expanding the prison infrastructure required to continue these policies. The growing, possession, and ingestion of all plants should be legal. It is that simple...read more...