Further Reading

Sunday, 6 March 2011

The Sacred Word AUM

"The sacred word AUM, releases the frequency of the Word, the same Word that went forth as the origin of creation. The ancients knew the power of the word. Civilizations have risen and fallen in the power of the spoken word. The mantras of the East, sacred intonations, came forth out of the sacred AUM...The sound of the Word-the Word of the sound...it is a Sanskrit word that means 'I bow, I agree, I accept...AUM!' AUM is the affirmation of true being; to declare that being, is to know who I AM. AUM intoned is the indestructible sound...the immensity...out of the AUM comes our oneness with God as an acceptance of our responsibility to BE, acceptance of immortal destiny, reason for being, acceptance of the Flame as God within ones-self."...read more...