Further Reading

Thursday 3 March 2011

A Word on '2012'

The numerological significance for the year 2012 is "5" (2+1+2).....the numerical symbol for ACTION and FREEDOM. This is very much in tandem with the arrival of the AQUARIAN AGE, the symbol of the WATER BEARER---pouring forth that which has been contained for (what has seemed like) far too long!

The first step in any Reconnection is willingness to change one's viewpoint. A traveler must be willing to COME IN, off the street, to a new and unusual place in consciousness.

Rather than clinging to what seems "old" and "familiar"----NOW is the time to boldly reach for what truly excites you. Now is the time to TAKE TO THE SKIES, my friends! If you will not be excited by PASSION and JOY---your universe will be forced to excite you with ANXIETY and FEAR. Make no mistake about it......the times, they are a'changin'! Do you imagine a world of wonder and awe? Or can you only envision destruction and mayhem? As we said earlier: "The THOUGHT is the thing.......even as FEELING and ATTITUDE ...read more...