This article is of personal interest to me, currently. I've been aware of a small being of maybe 3ft tall in the house for the last few weeks. A number of unexplained stratches and marks had been appearing on my arms. But, the one characteristic which had led me to this article was the recurrent ammonia smell which had been in the air over the last couple of days. Hence why I put 'entities with an ammonia smell' in a Google search ... which led me to this article: reports ...
Many of the killings are associated with strange creatures we have called the Anomalous Biological Entities [ABEs]. It is reportedly a cross between a creature known as a 'Grey' alien humanoid, mainly because the shape of its head and eyes, and what most witnesses describe as the body of a bipedal, erect dinosaur, but with no tail. Its head is oval in shape and has an elongated jaw. Two elongated red eyes have been reported, together with small holes in the nostril area, a small slit-like mouth with fang-type teeth protruding upwards and downwards from the jaw. Other witnesses have seen small pointed-ears, but this feature has not been seen by other witnesses. It appears to have strong course hair all over its body; and while most observers claim the hair is black, it has the remarkable ability to change colors at will, almost like a chameleon. In the dark, it will change to black or a deep brown color -- in a sunlit area surrounded by vegetation, it changes to green, green-grey, light brown or beige. The creature has two small arms with a three-fingered clawed hand and two strong hind legs, again with three claws. Newest of the Alien species, first seen in Varginha, Brazil in the early 90's. Small tan coloured imp-like being, said to resemble the Devil and give off a strange ammonia smell. Glowing red eyes, 3 large horns on the head, said to drain its victim of why then if this is the entity ... has one made its way to Australia? If it is indeed one of these entities?