Further Reading

Sunday 20 March 2011

A Word on 'Clairsentience'

The word ‘clair’ means clear; the word ‘sentient’ means feeling, clear feeling. Clairsentience is an ability that covers a wide area of emotional senses. It is the ability to feel beyond the five senses. It enables a person to be able to pick up feelings; health, emotions and or understandings of another’s state of being. That can be either a person in the physical or a person in spirit. Equally information from an object can be sensed or feelings and emotions can be picked up from a place whether that is past, present or future. Clairsentience enables the person to feel energy vibrations from another and whether the person is of good or bad intention or what emotional state they are in. That is for humans and spirit alike. There is also often openness to the spirit that allows the Clairsentient person to feel tingling sensations on the head, or hands, face or body. The physical sensations that can be felt with Clairsentience are a feeling of a pressure or tightness, like a band around the head. Tingling also is often felt at the top of the head, the crown area, which is where the crown chakra is located, one of the seven major chakras. This chakra is open to the divine; it’s where we receive divine energy and information. When a person feels this tingling sensation it is often a sign that the crown chakra is opening and the person is becoming open to receiving from the divine....read more...