Further Reading

Monday, 14 March 2011

A Word on 'The Practice Of Magic'

All separation is illusion. By this, we do not mean that what is seen in some particular space does not exist. Everything exists---everywhere it appears. What we are speaking about is the declaration (or perception) that what is seen, within a particular space, is the only thing that exists within that space. Every square inch of the Multiverse is entirely full of every other square inch. Isn't that something? We are all holographic in our being, though it does always not appear that way. Therein is the opportunity for the practice of magic. The appearance of "difference" between two objects---for example, a rabbit and a hat---can be manipulated so as to produce the effect of pulling the rabbit out of the hat. It makes both items look and feel like distinct forms, and that the Magician (yet a third distinct form) is doing something special with them. However, Magicians know that all of these essences---himself, the rabbit, and the hat are made up of the same substance (holographic fragments of All That Is). The audience does not always know this. They have forgotten it. It is a game, and it allows everyone present to see things from a different vantage point--including the Magician, who often forgets what it's like to forget! In days past, the Practice of Magic has been defined in two ways:

1. Where an "Illusionist" is consciously producing effects that are staged and technical-- being very dependent upon presuppositions and biases which are held by the audience. Showmanship and Fun are the goals and characteristics in this particular arena. Though the effects produced are sometimes quite fantastic, there is still the underlying belief that "we're only fooling here." Each side of the interact has agreed (for a time) to play out their roles. Deep down, both the performer and the audience know that it is just a "trick"-- a sleight of hand--made by the Magician, and the whole business has a plausible explanation that adheres to defined laws of reality to which they all subscribe. However, there is another arena where Magic is also practiced. Though many on the limitation plane have experienced this magic only through legend, it is also very real. It is the practice of ELEMENTAL TRANSFORMATION. Some have called it Alchemy. This is an arena where an individual player on the game board allows himself to invoke and manipulate certain powers and influences from "outside the box" (outside his current 3D context of belief) in order that he can actually change the laws of nature for a time. This is a function of the Supra-Normal Mind, the Realm of the Gods and Goddesses. When a person uses Elemental Transformation to accomplish what are considered to be "good" ends, it is referred to as the practice of White Magic. When he uses his powers for "evil" or selfish ends, then the label of Black Magic is applied. We must add at this point in the conversation that, black or white, magic is magic. There is really no difference, save in the mind (and the identification) of the beholder. The primary element for separating the two types of usage is the intent of the Magician....read more...