Further Reading

Friday 22 April 2011

Interlude - View From The Hill

 The spiritual path is long and ardous ... sometimes it is extremely rewarding and other times it is a right pain in the whatsit. It is a long and winding journey over an unrelenting terrain which contains a myriad of challenges and endless false summits. It is certainly not for the faint hearted ... it is a way of life not a status symbol!

In the early days of the path ... those first few steps seem so insignificant; the first couple steps can be retraced at that stage ... the path can be disregarded ... until a certain threshold has been crossed and there is then no turning back. Rarely do you get a respite from the trek through this unforgiving country. You get the rewards yes ... the psychic gifts and the creative insights like sweetmeal to the child; something to crave and to become dependant on.

Lake Burley Griffin from Mt Ainslie
Copyright Matthew James April 2011

But ... overall it is not a journey to wander in this material world... for it is in truth a blueprint that is not compatible with the physical world of materialism, greed and ambition. It is a trek for the ego-less ... souls who can harness their ego firmly under their control and use it like a chameleon in this desperate world. The truth is what the journey reveals ... something that is not easy to face and to comprehend.

The spiritual path is not a path that brings fame and fortune ... that is not its design ... for most of the travellers on the trail work in the shadows and keep attention away from themselves. Rarely does a true path traveller illuminate themselves in the glamours of tinseltown. When they do ... it is a desperate act ... for the vultures of the opposing forces will often descend on the traveller ... causing the traveller to scurry back into the shadows, back into the high spiritual planes ...to regain its view from the hill and watch the world of man from the perspective of the spirit.

For the true spirit of man has no need for money, wealth, fame, fortune and all the glamours of the material world. Its instinct is that of needful things for survival and ... its vibration is that of unconditional love. The material world is not the natural state for the spirit. To be on the spiritual path is to exist in a constant state of unconditional love and trust; blinded constantly by the disappointments created on the physical plane, for the world of man falls well short of the natural state of the spirit. Those of the travellers who can seperate from the world of man, observing it from afar will retain their natural state of being ... the goal of enlightenment most seek; however for the majority, they exist in a constant state of two mindedness as their spiritual state and their human side are constantly in conflict with each other.

Here lies the biggest test on the spiritual path ... how to live in a state of duality; living as a human being within the physical world, yet retaining the spiritual state which is the overriding driving force as they continue to wander the pathway up the mountains  ... MJ