Further Reading

Wednesday 27 April 2011

The Lovers

The Lovers is numbered six and is a card of innocence, trust, exhilaration and joy. The couple (often seen intertwined or standing side by side) are soulmates, each being one half of a perfect union. The figure flying above them is Cupid, blessing them with the might of Universal Love.

The Lovers are the embodiment of the harmony of opposites. This is how we are before the fear and prejudices of life intervene. We give our love freely to others and we need no other to make us whole.

Love is much misunderstood. It is subjective and the word 'love' is so overused that it has almost lost its original meaning. We are all capable of the immense power of deep feelings. Love happens when we step out of the darkness of fear, pain and doubt into the light. Love can move mountains. Love breeds love - a happy smile breaking through another's melancholy proves this.

Loving ourselves is the first step to touching the mighty power of Universal Love. We must live each moment as though it were the only one - rejoicing and celebrating, loving the soul within us rather than fighting with the reflection the rest of the world sees....>>>www.angelpaths.com