Further Reading

Monday, 11 April 2011

Trading stories - Triangle UFOs moving closer to ground

As the increase in triangle-shaped UFOs looks obvious based on incoming reports at the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database, a further look at the latest reports logged by April 8, 2011, from the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) gives us a few more clues. I pulled up site Director Peter Davenport's updated case files and requested only triangle reports - bringing me to this page. While the list is tremendous, I am linking only the latest 18 triangle cases below. The summary sentence gives you a brief look at what's in the public portion of the report - which you can read by clicking on the links below for each case. As I report from the MUFON witness report files daily, it's interesting to cross reference cases with Davenport's extensive collection from across the country. While some folks file with both MUFON and NUFORC, most only report at one site or the other. So if you're on the trail of where the triangle reports are, these are two unique databases that can provide some very interesting reading...Read More...