Further Reading

Saturday 14 May 2011

Salmon Totem Animal

The salmon's wisdom includes - value of returning home to regenerate, swimming upstream through emotional waters to gain insight, understanding divination messages, rebirth of spiritual knowledge, wisdom.

The Salmon’s aim is to overcome all obstacles that may present themselves. Its aim is to be reunited with All That Is. We are assisted by salmon in developing the necessary wisdom needed to find the meaning and purpose of our lives, and also to move steadily on our spiritual journey.

Celtic tales tell of legendary salmon that lived in a sacred well, which was the source of the river Boyne which flowed past ancient Druid temples. These salmon would feed on hazelnuts, the source of wisdom. The salmon was considered the oldest and wisest of animals. Comparing the salmons journey to our own life journey helps us comprehend why the salmon was regarded as the wisest of animals. In our life we frequently seem to be face low times, be it external or internal hindrances. Generally the internal state of affairs are most difficult - resistance and fear of change. Taking salmon as an example can make life a lot easier!

It may seem that the salmon's up-river journey to the spawning grounds appears a struggle, similar to a human's journey. However, the truth is very different. Difficulties are present, but when jumping upstream the salmon in fact does NOT fight the current, rather it travels with the reverse current flowing beneath the surface. The word summersault was inspired by the salmons leaping and in fact stems from the word salmon - sault. Somersaulting children are being playful and nimble. Being able to be childlike is yet another lesson to be learned from salmon....read more...