Further Reading

Friday 3 June 2011

A Word on "The Moon"

The anomalies and mysteries surrounding the Moon are legion and its origin (if you ignore the official and untenable assumptions) is unknown. It is a massive body to be a satellite of a small planet like Earth. It is 2,160 miles in diameter, bigger than Pluto and the fifth largest moon in the solar system. By rights, it shouldn't be there and as Irwin Shapiro, from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, said: ‘The best explanation for the Moon is observational error – the Moon doesn't exist.’
The Moon is not ‘real’? What? Yes, but hold on. There is an important point to make here. If people are going to grasp what is happening they need a blank sheet of paper when it comes to judging what is meant by ‘big’. Remember that humans have been held in a mind prison for aeons. We don’t know what ‘big’ is, or how such structures and technology of extraordinary size (to us) can be produced.
We have been living in a tiny, tiny perception bubble and the cutting edge of human technology (that we see) is the Stone Age in terms of what is possible. Once you cross the Rubicon and enter an understanding of what reality truly is and how it works, you can move forward in enormous leaps technologically and in others ways. This is what we are dealing with here. Technological capability that makes a lot of science fiction look tame. Imagine you are sitting in a cave knocking rocks together and someone told you it was possible to build a Jumbo Jet or a Space Shuttle. You’d say it was impossible, crazy. The guy’s been drinking too much mammoth juice.
But this is the kind of chasm that people are being challenged to cross in terms of their perception of the possible. The suppression of information, and so the suppression of the perception of the possible, is one of the great ways the true scale of the conspiracy stays hidden. It means that when people like me say this or that is happening, the perception censor kicks in and says: ‘That’s not possible.’ No, it is not possible for us to do it. Others can do it and they are. (David Icke)