Further Reading

Tuesday 23 August 2011

The 13th Path --- the path of Gimel

The High Priestess veils herself in mystery. When we hide behind jargon and acquired paraphernalia and seek to generate mystery through concealment, innuendo, and suggestion so as to appear "the guardian to the secrets of the sanctuary," then we are constellating and identifying with the High Priestess within ourselves. This should not be understood to mean that there are not things that need to be concealed, nor should this view of the High Priestess be seen as an attack on concealment per se but on its intent. Key 9, the Hermit, is also a card of concealment, but does not do so to stage an effect, be it wonder, admiration, allegiance or power." Intuitively feminine virginal guardian of the temple of the mysteries; enigmatic mistress of the night. First path of contact between the human and divine worlds. The longest path without a stopping point, the most dangerous....read more>>>...