Further Reading

Wednesday 31 August 2011

Monthly Review For August 2011

Yet another month draws to a close ... 2011 is beginning to fade on the horizon as 2012 looms closer. For me, 2012 has a strange significance ... it is my 8 ... a karmic return for the last 9 years. Interesting it may not be to many ... for me it is fraught with 'danger'... I am dealing with 'soul numerology' all the time. Each and every client has their soul numerology assessed in their sittings with me ... and I see the pitfalls & obstacles that an 8 presents ... so I am braced for quite a year next year. However, this month appears to have been a indication of  what to expect ... as life presented to me a dress rehearsal of what I will be dealing with from about March 2012 to March 2013. Odd though really. I'm supposedly in my ambitious 7 ... the diving board year ... well, yes, I do have that this year. Very much so. And I can see how this ambition is fuelling the fires which will burst into flame next year. Jealousy & envy have most certainly come to the surface this month. Not from me personally .. but from others around me in this wonderful environment. There are a number of egos strutting their stuff around me ... which have been threatened by me shining this month. Hence the reason why the monthly review for August 2011 has started in this way ... I recognise the signs and the symptoms ... and understand the soul journey I have undertaken ... the adventure around the wheel of life. My test, my burden ... is to be myself. I am I in its entirety. For some reason this has caused so many problems ... I look at the scar ridden terrain around me ... the broken shards of mirrors ... the bruised egos ... and shake myself off before walking away from that meadow of weeds. It now occurs to me that I DID the RIGHT thing in July ... I walked away and don't look back. I have bigger things ...

Moving on swiftly to more important things ...

The Four Mediums Show on Saturday 27th August 2011 ... was a BIG success despite the efforts of others to disrupt proceedings. One of the four mediums advertised for the show pulled out of proceedings on the morning of the show. We didn't get to hear of this until the afternoon ... when I was able to check Facebook ... there was a message there saying he was too unwell to proceed.  It came as no surprise to us in truth ... the signs had been there for the past few weeks. One phone call prompted a strong replacement ... however, due to other commitments it wasn't possible. The mantle, therefore, fell on the shoulders of one of our guests for the evening. He was magnificent. The show was fantastic ... despite me leaving my intended attire behind ... despite technical hitches with the microphones on the evening. Our show lasted for three hours from 7pm to 10pm .... yet most of the audience didn't leave until well after 11pm that night!!! The energy in the room was such that nobody wanted to leave!!

Suzie Price & myself were first up. We did the first half of the evening. Considering it was the first time we'd been on stage together ... we did fantastic. The connections to the other side and the validations were well received by the members of the audience. We both hit the ground running with the connections ... I had a number of multiple links to contend with ... which were solved by obtaining the actual name of the person linking to me from 'the other side'. Suzie Price was awesome! Her manner was well received ... and her accuracy was incredible.

After a short interval, Suzy Cherub and Robbie Nacson (Our stand in medium for the evening) entered the fray. The good thing about the entire evening was how all four of us had our own unique style. Something which the audience thoroughly enjoyed. Suzy had previously been on stage with myself in a show back in July. I knew what Suzy was capable of, and she was able to deliver accurate connections for the audience. It came Robbie's turn ... and his energy and enthusiasm was incredible. He was able to provide accurate short and sweet bits of information to the audience ... before unleashing his forte on several people. Numerology readings using the Pythagoras method ... a number of members of the audience were blown away by his accuracy. Well done Robbie!

Then came the final part of the evening. A questions and answers section where each of us were able to impart more connections from the other side. Suzie Price  was able to connect a brother with a couple and astounded the apparently sceptical husband by letting him know she knew he was a police officer! Impressive stuff Suzie! Both me and Suzy Cherub were able to validate a connection between a woman in the audience and her mother. Robbie hosted the final part of the evening ...

All four mediums were met with warm and loud applause from the audience at the end of the show ....

The Four Mediums show was therefore a big success! We have other shows planned ... and other ideas to undertake. The obvious rivalry of others hasn't ruined anything ... it just inspires me to venture into the vale of 2012 knowing what to expect. Rivals are plotting their own wanderings ... peers are watching me with baleful eyes ... and the rumour mill is working 24/7 to write me an epitaph ...! I care not. I will overcome ... I've genuinely been in this field for over 25 years ... since I was 19 years of age ... I am now 45! I've seen it all before. Egos come and egos go ... dead fish float downstream and living fish catch the current and wander upstream. Believe me ... this industry is fraught with danger.

So August 2011 has been one of 'those' type of months. Plenty of plans made and directions wandered along. Plenty of travelling to venues and weekend bookings. It's been a successful month in many ways ... and a disappointing month in other ways. The 'ego has landed' is a background theme for the month ... its ongoing pressures boiling over in the background. The theme is an identical one to what was experienced in 90's UK. There is no difference ... you shine your light and the water cannons try to extinguish it! But, the duck's back is now bone dry, believe me.

All in all ... a satisfying month .. MJ 31st August 2011.