Further Reading

Monday 29 August 2011

The Simple Truth

How many of us have looked in the mirror recently and noticed the change which has overtaken our consciousness? Probably not that many of us in truth ... the changes associated with the current quickening can best be described as a computer upload ... it is taking place and has been programmed to overwrite all previous awareness of consciousness. Therefore we are not necessarily aware there is any change ... the subtle signs that something is different is what is occurring around us in our lives. Our interactions with people in our lives ... changes in our enviromental conditions in the last few weeks. Not one of us can say there has been nothing happening in our lives. For most of us there will have been chaotic change. For some ... negative changes ... and for other very positive changes. I am one who, thankfully, has the latter ... the roll of the wheel has been extremely favourable for me. I am one of the lucky ones who was made aware from an early age how the quickening was going to affect mankind. I had it explained in recent years that the changes would occur much like new software being installed on a computer. Memories would be affected ... changed ... altered ... deleted. It is memories, after all, that dictate how we react to situations ... I am overtly aware of frustrating sequences of recurring segments of memories surfacing in my mind; of certain areas of my consciousness having something like a password protection in order to access them ... it sounds nuts I know. But frankly I don't care ... I know these things are happening in my reality. They are not necessarily manifesting in the same way in your reality. My life has changed considerably since May 2011 ... and I no longer need to look back ... the way forwards is an open highway ... and it leads into the new consciousness. I only wish that the same can be said for all of mankind. I witness so many souls who have not made the evolutionary leap in consciousness. I am sad for these souls ... they exhibit extreme signs of anger, envy, jealousy, hatred ... to those who appear to 'have it' ... they are stuck in the karmic ruts they were meant to clamber out of in the last 15 years. They still face the same fears they came onto the planet with when they were born. A simple fact ... the threshold has been crossed. Anyone who failed to learn their karmic lessons before March-June 2011 will never learn them!!! That is the simple truth. They will basically drift away from those who have like a boat cast adrift on a moonlit sea ... there is nothing that can be done for them ... they are sadly on a different current to those who have 'ascended' ... it has taken place just like I was told it would as a child. Which is good. I can now believe what lies ahead for us all ... MJ 29th August 2011