Further Reading

Friday 5 August 2011

Video Gaming Spreads Satanism

The entertainment industry is being used for satanic indoctrination. We see its symbols and writings everywhere; from models flashing one-eyed signs to directors and producers splicing in immoral imagery and ideals with normal everyday life. All this is done knowingly and willingly, intent on eliciting the viewers' "participation", usually carried outside the illusion into everyday life. Yes, they want you to be comfortable to cheat on your wife, to callously mistreat your parents and go to war with your neighbor. They show you situations that seem almost impossible and then set out to impress you by overcoming the situation with relative ease. This is the successful formula apparent in all Hollywood type stories; the protagonist always wins in the end. Enter the video gaming industry. Anyone born outside of the 80's is unaware of the power it has over the minds of players. No longer is it necessary to doubt if you can perform as the protagonist; now you may experience what it is like to be the hero, and make the decisions necessary to attain "the greater good": a little more taste for a hungry mouth. Chances are if faced with a similar opportunity, the player may actually find themselves reacting in a similar fashion. After all, our recent history has been filled with murderers using video games as a form of stimulation and simulation, sometimes even crediting it to their success (as seen recently with the Norway attacker via Call of Duty)...read more>>>...