Further Reading

Tuesday 30 August 2011


Learning to create abundance in your life is about much more than simply creating material wealth; it is about enriching your Self as a whole. Abundance is for everyone, not just the limited few that life appears to have smiled on. Actually, we are surrounded by abundance. Nature is lavish, even wasteful in its abundance. Anyone caring to look will find an abundance of love, joy, money, and health is readily available to everyone willing to accept them. If there is any lack in our lives it's not because there is not enough, but rather, because we are limiting our intake. What we receive in life is controlled by the limits we place on our emotions, behaviors, thoughts and actions. It is so hard for us to open the value controlling the flow of abundance in our lives because there are many factors involved. By the time we become aware of the fact that we create our own limits, the beliefs and habits we've developed that produce these limits are so ingrained they are very difficult to change. Society also has its role to play. Since most of the world's governments have become capitalistic societies, it's in their best interest to promote conditions and belief systems that produce large numbers of have-nots. Simple economics tells us that in order for capitalism to thrive, there must be a large supply meeting a large demand and you must have people who are in debt to create a large enough demand to consume that large supply. The simple reality is that the governments of the world make their money from our poor health, debt, and our struggle to "just get by." Their abundance is dependant on our lack. But this does not mean we have to accept these limits. While it's true that most people will never take advantage of it, information about attracting wealth and prosperity is freely available to anyone caring to look. And the law of attraction says that the more you look, the more information you will attract. What fills your life is what you focus on. When you begin to understand laws of abundance, you begin to understand that you are not constrained by the conditions of the economy or the amount of your present income. Your ability to increase your wealth, live in abundance, and have financial freedom is all based on your understanding of the universal laws that govern the flow of energy controlling your ability to turn potential into reality...read more>>>...