Further Reading

Sunday, 11 September 2011

9/11/11: Orgy of Deception

The 9-11 Commemoration is a repeat of the original outrage and therefore very painful to witness.The original attack was mass trauma brainwashing perpetrated by a traitor class within America. Now, they're reinforcing the original programming. It is all designed to perpetuate war and strip Americans of their civil rights under the bogus pretext of a terrorist threat. Americans are acquiescing in their own enslavement, and many seem willing to go along. I think the majority know 9-11 was an inside job but are afraid to say so. 9-11 is being spun as a mini "holocaust" - a cathartic event that "changed everything." Illuminati Satanist Lady Gaga is asking the question, "What will you do to remember?" How about punishing the real perpetrators? An atrocity such as 9-11 does not require remembering. It requires justice! The perps must be caught. Otherwise, they will continue these false flags in the form of "terrorist attacks," oil spills, stock crashes, viruses and "natural" disasters. The politicians who wax eloquent about 9-11 are among the main accomplices. You have to admire their cynicism and lying ability; no doubt it's a job requirement. This spectacle demonstrates that we live in a de facto Communist society where the means of production and weapons of mass deception are controlled by the State, a.k.a. the central bankers. Our "leadership" class are traitors who have sold their souls for "success." The 9-11 Commemoration is analogous to the JFK Assassination, where half the people at the funeral had foreknowledge of the hit and participated in the coverup...read more>>>...