Further Reading

Thursday 29 September 2011

Intensive Mediumship Training Workshops

The Purpose of the intensive mediumship training workshop is to gain a clearer understanding of how to utilise natural faculties that lie within you … and improve your means of communication with deeper aspects of yourself; with the world around you that you can see with the human senses … and also the world around you which lie beyond the human senses.

Mediumship’ communication is basically a form of telepathy which the entire collective of universal consciousness uses to communicate with its myriad of aspects. As human beings we exist in a reality where this basic form of communication has been suppressed. By utilising our physical vehicles to a greater degree we increase our ability to negate the suppression and reinstall this type of communication … A simple definition of ‘mediumship’ is a two way communication with another dimensional being. The most common comprehension of another dimension is what us humans have learnt to accept … the spirit world … or the place our loved ones go when they depart this realm. But there are many other dimensions that confer with us in this way

Therefore by analysing all aspects of this workshop … and utilising the simple techniques undertaken … it is possible to ‘activate’ this type of communication for yourself ...

The IMT workshops comprise a series of 'tricks of the trade', developed over the last 25 years by Renowned Medium & Clairvoyant Matthew James, to enable the participants to develop fast response two-way mediumship connections. The workshops contain advanced techniques, kabbalah meditations and a series of tasks/practical exercises .... participants are encouraged to make observational notes at every stage of the workshop. There is a general group discussion towards the end of the workshop. IMT workshops can be on a one day or a two day basis ... for all enquiries about IMT workshops please contact Matthew James at matthewjamesmedium@gmail.com