Further Reading

Monday 26 September 2011

Kundalini Arousals and Vibrations in OBE

According to a hinduistic myth the god Shiva created the universe by emanating the sound OM. In the saga the first stage of universe was a large ocean. On the surface of this ocean consisting of the substance "supreme consciousness" (Sanskrit: chitta, personified as Shiva) this vibrational force OM (personified as the female aspect, called Shakti) caused waves (called chittavrittis). These waves were the first traces of individualism. By differentiation of these waves the diversity of forms and matter of universe originated. In the course of evolution of universe Shakti descended to the lowest form of "vibration", the physical matter. This state is associated with the lowest form of consciousness. In the human body this evolution is reproduced as descendence of Shakti (the inner power) from the top of the head down the spine to the base of abdomen (Mulhadhara Chakra), creating an awareness more and more linked to the physical matter. This evolution of soul is thought to have happened in past aeons. In theosophic philosophy evolution of soul is independent of the evolution of biological life and the above mentioned first step evolved not in physical but in subtle worlds. The aim of the Yogis is to elevate Shakti from chakra to chakra by means of meditation, by sound exercises (Shabda Yoga) and energetic exercises (Kundalini Yoga). Each chakra is characterized by a category of sounds, by a special colour of inner light and by special forms of transcendental awareness. In a certain respect the kind of subtle body separation depends on the kind of activated chakra...read more>>>...