Further Reading

Friday, 16 September 2011

A Library Of Symbols

Ok, back to the power of symbols and the well spring of information in our own minds that are used in all communications. Our own consciousness contains a massive library of information, most of it filed away to never surface again. What is important to realise is that when you connect with another entity telepathically, it automatically has access to your Mind Library … and vice versa. You will be able to tap its consciousness as much as it can yours. This is the basis for a two way connection with a spiritual entity. Once the connection has been made … telepathically both sides of the coin are seeking information to strengthen this connection. This information can be transmitted as how the entity, if it was once an earth bound soul, may have felt on the earth, or how the entity may have interacted on the earth plane. If you are the recipient of this information, your mind might begin to let you experience how this entity was feeling either physically with those symptoms … or emotionally … or with a series of images plucked directly from your mind. It is never possible to predict just how this is going to happen. But when the two way part of the contact comes … it will be a little like having a laptop that suddenly has access to another’s laptop on a file or network share! Once you realise the connection is there … you can begin to access information and transmit information telepathically … (Extract taken from Intensive Mediumship Techniques written by Matthew James)