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Tuesday, 6 September 2011
'Non-intrusive' scanners spare travellers' blushes at Heathrow - by turning them into stick-men
Passengers stepping into the ProVision scanners at Heathrow have had to endure the knowledge that airport security staff are looking at a shadowy - and quite possibly wobbly - image of their naked body. But new software for the scanners will make the whole experience a little less personal by turning the scan into a stick-man like cartoon with 'danger' areas highlighted as yellow squares. For the first time, also, passengers will be able to see exactly what the security staff are looking at. The new scanners, which are already in operation at Heathrow, use exactly the same technology as the previous version, just with different software to prevent security staff receiving unwanted glimpses of passengers' naked bodies. Ian Hutcheson, Security Director at BAA, said: 'At Heathrow, we are constantly looking for ways to ensure that high security standards don’t have a negative impact on passenger experience. The new bodyscanners are an important step towards meeting this goal.'...read more>>>....