Further Reading

Monday, 12 September 2011

A Recent Dream Scenario

A recent dream was so REAL ... I had the senses of smell, touch, taste, hearing as well as visual awareness of the dream. In truth I had dream control. I had all the thoughts that normally run through your mind during the normal day. I had awareness of form ... in fact it was as real, or if not more real than the normal working day. I was going about my every day business, walking the streets of a busy city ... when I first began noticing fast moving flying craft (UFOS) above the sky line. The initial UFOS were small craft ... very slick and very fast. However, when I mentioned them to people around me ... I was looked at with disbelief! Nobody else had seen them. Later ... I was walking close to the CBD & industrial area of the city when I began noticing much bigger UFO craft. These were huge and of irregular shapes. Clearly they were flying towards the industrial zone and landing in an area of warehouses. They were going there to pick up materials and goods ... these thoughts were active in my mind. I just knew what was going on. The Elite were preparing to leave this planet ... and these were their craft. They were no longer hiding themselves from the people on the surface of the planet. But why was it only me who could see these craft so plainly on view?? My work mates & friends still refused to accept the craft were there even though they were in such plain view. Big UFO craft were hovering in the sky ... plainly the size of a small village, housing entire communities of those escaping the planet. The next time one was on the skyline in plain view ... I pointed it out to a companion. I was frustrated as still nobody could see them. Then I realised everyone else had been conditioned not to seem them ... for some reason I hadn't been conditioned, like I was one and the same as those who were fleeing the planet?? I could see these craft but instead of regret & sadness I only carried anger at their actions .... copyright Matthew James