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Wednesday, 14 September 2011
Ten Powers of the Soul
From the ten sefirot the soul derives its corresponding ten soul-powers, all of which have names identical to the sefirot. The soul is expressed and manifested through its powers, of which there are two general categories -- the transcendent or encompassing powers, and the particular, or immanent powers (corresponding to the transcendent keter and the remaining immanent sefirot, respectively). The transcendent or super-conscious powers of the soul are called delight (oneg) and will (ratzon), corresponding to the inner and outer dimensions of keter mentioned above.The particular or immanent powers are subdivided into intellect and emotions. The three intellectual powers are Chochma, wisdom or creative intellect; Bina, understanding or developmental intellect; and Daat, which is knowledge or conclusive, synthesizing intellect...read more>>>...