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Tuesday, 6 September 2011
Time and Psychic Power
Psychics are able to perceive things that are unnoticeable to the five physical senses (sight, smell, touch, sound, and taste). People with psychic power have been recorded even in the Bible, such as Joseph the dreamer when he dreamt of his multi colored coat. While most people perceive psychics as fortune-tellers, they can actually do more than predict the future: some can tell you what happened in the past to help you understand your problems in the present and in turn help you prepare for the future, for instance. There are many types of psychic powers, and they each have their own purpose. Some are called clairvoyants; they can “see” those which are not visible to the normal human eye, and those which are hidden or far away. Some are clairaudients: they can “hear” sound frequencies beyond the range of human hearing, and, similar to clairvoyants, they can “hear” or “listen” to sounds which are far away or otherwise inaudible. Clairsentients are those who “sense” or “feel”, where clairvoyants “see” and clairaudients “hear”. Mediums are people who can communicate with spirits, including, but sometimes not limited to humans who passed away into the afterlife, similar to Whoopi Goldberg’s character in the movie “Ghost.” Intuitionists are psychics who may be clairsentients but can also interpret the meanings of those energies that they perceive. Telepaths are those who can communicate with other telepaths or with other people from far away without the use of technology, using the power of their minds alone...read more>>>...