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Wednesday, 14 September 2011
Wicca” is the name of the contemporary Neo-Pagan (neo pagan means new pagan) religion, largely made popular by the efforts of Gerald Gardner, a retired British civil servant . The word Wicca comes from the older word ‘wicce’ which means either ‘the wise’ or ‘to bend’ In the last few decades, Wicca has spread largely due to its popularity among feminists and others seeking a more woman-positive, earth-based religion. Like most Pagan spiritualities, Wicca worships the sacred as immanent in nature, drawing much of its inspiration from the non-Christian and pre-Christian religions of Europe. In general most Wiccans are Neo-Pagans but not all Pagans are Wiccans. Wiccans value balance with a respect for diverse complexity, seeing sexuality and embodiment as essentially positive, spiritual gifts. There is a sense of personal connection to the divine life source, which is open to contact through “psychic power,” mysticism or “natural magic.”...read more>>>....