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Wednesday, 5 October 2011
Satanic Debt Racket Exposed in Banker's Novel
According to Roussel, twelve "oligarchic families" have grown indescribably wealthy by lending "money" to governments at interest. These are the central bankers. Most but not all are Illuminati Jews. Their wealth is in the trillions. Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are paupers in comparison. It all becomes very clear. These families have been milking us for centuries. We are quite literally their "cattle" i.e. goyim. The whole of modern history can be explained by their farm management practices. Wars are started to increase the debt and cull the herd. The goal is to cull the herd to 500 million and chip the remnant. These families and their henchmen own 80% of the world's wealth and do nothing useful yet believe the impoverished majority are parasites. Roussel explains how compound interest resulted in astronomical exponential gains year-after-year. All religions have banned lending at interest to prevent what actually has occurred: this immense wealth and power has fallen into the hands of Satanists. The world's major banks are mere proxies for these twelve families who create the money out of nothing. (The banks get their "money" from them.) Greece is the target now but eventually the whole world will be squeezed like an lemon to get this "money" back. ("We will absorb all the wealth of the world," is how Cecil Rhodes described it to his patron Nathan Rothschild.) They threaten depositors will lose their savings if banks fail. But, it is really these twelve families of generational Satanists who want their pound of flesh. If our governments weren't run by their lackeys, they would protect the deposits and let the "oligarchic families" twist in the wind. Roussel doesn't name the families but obviously one is the Rothschilds. Roussel explains that fractional reserve banking is a ponzi scheme. They lend $90 for every $100 on deposit. Those $90 are deposited somewhere else and $81 more dollars are lent. So it continues ad infinitum. Obviously, the way to fight this beast is to withdraw your cash from the bank....read more>>>....