Further Reading

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Time To Take The World Back

'The time is at hand when each of you must take responsibility for yourself and those who are dependent on you. Together, you have the strength to bring down those who have oppressed you. This can be done without resorting to violence of any sort; peaceful demonstration is all that is required. You are the victims of corporate greed. This is a crime against humanity. Look at those in control: they cause recessions and depressions at a whim. Ask, "What do they all have in common?". It is time to open your eyes and face the truth. Examine carefully what is being done to you, right in front of your eyes. This is global. It has got to stop. They have removed all your rights. It's only through all of you coming together that you will release yourselves from these oppressors. Because you have been in bondage for centuries, you have never known anything else: you accepted it as normal. Their mission is to destroy you, so by not taking action you are allowing them to do so.'They have acquired much of the world's gold; if they fail in their plans, then they believe they can just go off-planet with the gold. This is what they came for in the first place. We have created a barrier to prevent them leaving with your gold. Their time is up. It's time for them to go and allow mankind to reasses everything, then to set up a new system of banking and government that will bring equality, irrespective of race or creed. The changes that we are putting in place will make all this possible.

This has been in the planning for a long time. They will cause a certain amount of destruction before they leave. It will not be easy for them to walk away from the financial empires they built at your expense. They do not want peace. Their money is made through war. The truth is ugly but it must be faced so that you can move on. They must be seen for what they are; exposed for all to see in their true colours. They have remained hidden for far too long. Their rule is over. They created a false scenario. They lived by it. They created laws to prevent people from questioning it. It is based on an HISTORICAL MYTH....read more>>...