Further Reading

Friday, 7 October 2011

Wolverine Totem Animal

Native Americans called it carcajou, a French corruption of an Native American word meaning Evil Spirit or Mountain Devil. The Wolverine is neither a spirit or devil. The Wolverine is the largest member of the weasel family; stands about a foot high at the shoulder and weighs twenty-five to thirty pounds. Its long shaggy fur is blackish-brown, with a paler brown band running on each side from behind the shoulder to the rump. It is ferocious, cunning, daring, powerful and a thief. Even the bear, wolf, and cougar will not challenge it. It fights to win and knows no fear, regardless of the size of its opponent. The wolverine has very poor eyesight. Its scent glands emit a foul odour.

The wolverine is also known as the Caracajou or skunk-bear, and a glutton because it has a ravenous appetite. Fur trappers and backwoodsmen in Canada and Alaska know firsthand the damage and mischief a wolverine can make. These animals will break into cabins and food caches, eating all they can and urinating on what is left.

Magickal Attributes: Revenge, cunning, dark magic. Protection against attackers, on whatever level they use.

The wolverine is one of the most - if not the most - powerful and ferocious mammals. Although small compared to many of the large carnivores such as the bear, they are so ferocious they can drive other predators and even bears from their kills. Whenever the wolverine appears in our life, our passion for life and assimilating it will grow along with an increased ability to absorb, to eat up all the comes our way. This can be used beneficially or detrimentally. Being a glutton for knowledge is much healthier than being a glutton for food. Wolverines have many of the qualities associated with the badger. Like the badger, the wolverine is a symbol of the wild. The wolverine is a carnivorous animal, and thus in what it eats, it becomes a keeper of that animal's medicine and power. The wolverine, like a badger, is a keeper of the secret stories of other animals.

The bold and ferocious wolverine never surrenders and teaches us not to do so. The things we desire, the things that can benefit our life, should be pursued with an almost gluttonous appetite. The wolverine spirit stays strongest when it is honoured through silence, discretion, and a ferocious appetite for what is truth.

Call on wolverine when you find yourself in a confrontation where the person appears to be stronger or more capable.