Further Reading

Saturday 19 November 2011

Einstein wrong again! New experiment confirms doubts

When a team of physicists announced that they had proved Einstein wrong, even they weren’t convinced. So they ran the test again – and broke the speed of light for a second time. Scientists from Cern, the Swiss home of the Large Hadron Collider, sent another beam of subatomic particles over 450 miles to a laboratory in Gran Sasso in the Italian Alps. And after running the modified follow-up test 20 times, they recorded exactly the same results as before. According to Albert Einstein’s 106-year-old theory of special relativity, nothing can travel faster than light in a vacuum because its particles have no mass. By contrast, neutrinos – said to be ‘ghostly’ because they can travel through anything – have a very small mass.  Their apparently record-breaking speed raises a host of possibilities straight out of science fiction stories....read more>>>....