Further Reading

Wednesday 2 November 2011

'No Free Thinking Brains Permitted'

I had one of those disturbing 'real dreams' that happen from time to time. It may or not be precognitive. In truth I really hope it isn't ... because the dream content was quite scary when considering the current advances in technology which monitors our thoughts.

The dream centred around a snap shot experience where I was within a society where 'thought crimes' were very much a reality. I can remember the real fear of the people around me when there was law enforcement officers at the door of their lodgings ... someone within the house had thought the wrong thing (Me!). There were certain technologies in the houses and buildings that governed what everyone could think. Any other thoughts were outlawed. Hence the reason for the law enforcement visit. Except, since I was a visitor to their town/city ... I was aware of the thought crime laws. It was impossible for me to stem the multitude of free thinking thoughts which were in my mind as I hadn't been conditioned to think in the way the authorities wanted. Therefore elders had been alerted and their police force had been sent to capture the perpetrator of free thinking brain ...

It was a real experience. One which left an imprint in my conscious mind for most of the day and days that followed. It was very thought provoking. I only hope our world does not go down that path ... as the thoughts we were permitted to have were VERY limited - Matthew James