Further Reading

Friday 11 November 2011

'The Pirate Race'

I'm currently 'musing' over a distinctly controversial theoreom I was given recently by a 'higher dimension'. It explains quite explicitly how mankind came to be hijacked by an extra-terrestrial race. How this extra terrestrial race has removed the identity of mankind from mankind by changing mankind's past. The Extra-terrestrial race has systematically conned mankind into believing that it is this race (Or similar) races that built all the advanced ancient architecture that is littered around this planet. The fundamental principle behind this act of piracy is this race's ability to time travel. To visit mankind in the distant past and present itself as our gods. Thus re-writing our history ... as fables of the ancient races now contain references to this pirate race. All records of our TRUE history has now been systematically destroyed ... so no evidence of our golden ages now survive. All that remains is the altered past and the history which this pirate race wish us to believe is our past. I get the impression this race only stumbled on mankind about 500 - 600 years ago ... but time travelled into our past to make contact with our ancestors to make sure our history has been distorted. Losing our history and our heritage takes away our true identity and also makes us vulnerable to the pirate race's current domination over us. Mankind is truly an advanced culture. A spiritual race. A race which has now been conned into believing it is nothing more than a slave race and a cosmic accident. This is not the case. This is merely the reality this pirate race has installed in our genetics ... we need to over-ride its control and realise places such as Atlantis really did exist. Mankind was once a truly advanced culture in its own right. Mankind once possessed the technical know how in its own right to build the awesome structures around the world without any ET intervention. We've been fooled into thinking these structures we're built by these races. Our civilisations were overrun by pirate races and our technology used by them! Our abilities have been suppressed in recent times ... its time to grab our true ancestry back; to listen to our inner selves and begin writing our history based on what we all can remember --- Matthew James