Further Reading

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Reaching Through The Veil

The house was especially energised a couple of nights ago. Numerous moving spectres and endless activity. Before settling to sleep ... a look around the bedroom confirmed the same phenomenon as there was 'company' facing me; also to the left and to the right. Moving filaments of light in all directions. Undeniable movement to the human eyes ... dimensional shifting, light hovering and flitting. My attention was thus drawn to an area of the ceiling above my head. I would estimate around a metre above my head. I noticed a rough circle area of moving light around a metre or so in width. The energy from this particular spot was immense. It was powerful. The more I beheld this area of light field, the more I became aware of presences beyond this light field. Intuitively I knew this light field to be a filament ... a dimensional membrane. A veil between the physical and another dimension. Fearlessly, I lifted both arms above my head and extended my hands towards the veil; and held both hands about 200 millimeters away from the membrane. Immediately there was a shift in the veil as tentacles of light began to move from the veil towards my hands. Touching my fingers the light then began to flow down my arms in a spiral motion. I felt a distinct energy surge. The energy then stablised and I felt both my hands begin to vibrate much quicker ... until after a minute or two ... my hands appeared to fade out view; becoming black shadows. It then I lifted my hands up further until they were touching the outer fringes of the veil. I beheld movement from within the light field as an entity appeared to do the same thing. Fearlessly still I permitted my fingers of both hands to move slowly through the veil into this other dimension. The tops of both hands appeared to fade from views, though I was still aware of their connection to my body. At this point I felt my heart beat much faster and my body begin to commence a resonance at a higher frequency. Then came the gentlest of touches on one of my hands as an entity from within the light field made contact with me. I felt immediately a connection with an 'ex-human being' ... contact had been made. The experience was incredible and exhilarating --- Matthew James 8th November 2011