Further Reading

Thursday 3 November 2011

What’s the Deal With Underground Bases?

One of the most hotly contested topics in ufology is the issue of underground bases. These mysterious complexes are the subject of great rumour and evidence for them is scarce. Yet, if true, do they point to a sinister plan by the US government in particular, to create a safe haven should global catastrophe occur? Or is the truth more sinister still? So what are the rumours, and are there any hard facts to back them up?

Bases Exist

We know that military underground facilities exist, for certain, and it is no secret. During WW2 and the Cold War literally hundreds of complexes were built which were used for key personnel. In some cases these were used, others remained hidden for years – no need for cheap hotel insurance here, these places were under the radar, and kept that way. The bases in the UK have been extensively researched, catalogued, and in some cases visited, by a fascinating and dedicated group called Subterranea Britannica. The extent of the complexes and their sophistication is sometimes surprising.

Vast Tunnel Complexes

It is not much of a leap of imagination to suppose that the underground bases built today are far more extensive than those of the past, as rumour suggests. Advances in drilling and mining mean that cutting and boring tools are many times more sophisticated and powerful. Bases in the US are said to run for miles, both downwards and cross-country, connected together by a network of railway lines. Fantastic? Possibly. One problem that is often raised as an argument against such an engineering project is what on earth would have happened to the debris from the excavation. Conspiracy theorists believe the answer to this lies in a long forgotten patent for nuclear boring devices, which heats rock to such a high temperature it melts and evaporates, leaving tunnels with glass-like, mirror smooth walls. Witnesses have described just such smooth sided tunnels, and the leading Dulce researcher has evidence that thermo-nuclear tunneling devices do indeed exist.

Dulce, New Mexico

The most famous witness to US underground bases was a man called Phil Schneider. He came forward shortly before his death, before being silenced by another bizarre ‘suicide’. He predicted that he would be silenced by government agents, and the circumstances of his death were indeed bizarre. His widow confirms that immediately after his death government agents raided their house and took away quantities of documents and photographs. Phil Schneider may have had his detractors, but he was in no doubt that the US shadow government were using the underground base at Dulce as a research facility, where they worked with alien intelligences on various military projects. Others have testified that there are genetic experiments going on in the base at Dulce.

Grotesque Experiments

One witness who worked at Dulce describes there being seven underground levels to the base, each one with higher and higher security clearance necessary to gain access. Most workers could only access down to level two. Beyond that anyone wanting to access what was housed there was stripped, weighed and had their weight printed on a security pass. If their weight on leaving did not match exactly, alarms were triggered. The lowest level, with the highest security, was dubbed ‘Nightmare Hall’, reserved for the most terrifying experiments. Human/animal hybrids were said to be created in experiments on this level.

UFO Hunters Silenced

One of the most interesting documentaries on this subject is by the UFO Hunters team in America – the head of MUFON, Bill Birnes, an assistant and a sceptic set off to investigate the claims, with some startling results. Meeting researchers who have spent years investigating the rumours, and witnesses they clearly touched a nerve. After making a link between the base and the high number of cattle mutilations in the area they met a man who had witnessed and photographed an implanted animal/human hybrid. The photographs were shown on the show. Despite being one of the most successful shows on the network, with extremely high viewing figures, UFO Hunters was pulled after this episode. Later Bill Birnes claimed that it was evidence shown in the Underground Bases episode of UFO Hunters that caused the powers that be to get nervous.

Mystery Remains

The mystery of the underground bases, which are said to criss-cross the States, will probably never be known, due to the extreme level of secrecy attached to the issue. Is it inconceivable that governments are working with aliens on top secret experiments away from prying eyes? As always, you decide.