Further Reading

Thursday 24 November 2011

A Word on "Mercury In Retrograde"

Three times a year the planet Mercury wreaks havoc on us mortals by going. Retrograde. In astrology, when a planet goes retrograde, it exerts a negative influence in the areas of life that it rules. Mercury is the planet of time, communication, and commerce. Which means for 3 weeks, these areas will be out of balance, and chaos abounds. Computers break down; everything and everybody is late; miscommunications in relationships are causing upsets; and Murphy's Law is in full effect, when anything that can go wrong will. Natural disasters and mishaps throughout history are also associated with this time frame: the sinking of the Titanic; the Asian tsunami of 2004; the Haitian Earthquake; the Bush- Gore election fiasco; and the miscommunication during the Obama swearing in ceremony all occurred during Mercury retrograde. (Daily Om)