Further Reading

Friday 9 December 2011

Countdown 2012 Part 1

2012 countdown - T MINUS 21 days, 14 hours and 36 minutes ...... and counting

It's getting closer day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute ... second by second. In the late 70's & early 80's it was purely a speculative myth. Through the 90's and into the 21st century we were prepared ... with theory after theory ... the Mayan's said this and the wrote this; in 2012 the earth will end; there will be a magnetic reversal in 2012; there will be huge tidal waves in 2012; aliens will invade in 2012 .... we've heard them all; and some! Through 2001 - 2009 we were spoon fed these theories more and more ... deliberately. Purposely. Reprogramming our collective consciousness, there is little doubt that nearly all of us are looking over our shoulders to 2012 .... the significant barrier supposedly. The year everything changes. Supposedly. But just realise this ... 2012 is a manmade concept. 2012 is not a universal law. 2012 is not part of a solar cycle or on a solar clock. Human minds have invented 2012 and all associated with it. Since the so called Mayan predictions our time has changed from a 13 month lunar calendar to a 12 month solar calendar. Therefore their predictions are .... just that. As far as it goes ... 12-15 month predictions for clients undertaken throughout 2011 seem to strongly indicate normality throughout most of 2012. There does not seem to be any major disaster affecting the entire world. NO global tidal waves etc. However, do not put it past 'them' to contrive something in the next 12 months. They have created the stage ... they have all of earth's subjects watching .... it is safe to say they have a stage show to present to us all in 2012 ... and it ain't gonna be for the good of mankind!!! - MJ