Further Reading

Friday 30 December 2011

Countdown 2012 Part 3

Countdown to 2012 - T Minus 1 day 1 hour and 18 minutes
It's New Year's Eve tomorrow ... 31.12.11 ... the final day before the 2012 threshold. 1.1.12 looms ever closer ... like the looming executioner ... with its knotted rope moving closer, touching the flesh, the soul tensing in anticipation of the knot tightening ... the human lemmings ready to leap ... the collective blind folly of The Fool. The anticipated year of change ... the wheel of fortune spinning on its axis. Awaiting that moment when ... when the sun leaves the sky for the last time ... or the mighty wave drowns the shore ... or the awesome bolt of stellar plasma energy distorts the earth into total destruction ... the condemned species awaiting its end ... the masses ruled by the psychopathic few! The few in control of all the media, all the medicines, all the food, all the water, the majority of the wealth ... pushing the human lemmings to accept the leap of death into the rising seas of global warming bullshit. Yes you read right ... bullshit. Because it is! I recently had the pleasure of witnessing 'The Lion Sleeps No More' in Sydney ... David Icke ... an old association reconnected. His words were mighty .. summing it all up perfectly. Mankind doesn't have to take all this crap anymore. The distorted lies of the religion of Saturn. The 'rewritten history' of mankind that has reprogrammed a mighty universal consciousness into believing it is a slave race to a tribe of energy vampires .... it doesn't have to be this way! Our minds and our thinking have been rewired to service the hive mind of these emotionless pirates. Part of our mind is their mind ... and like a radio our thoughts have been systematically tuned into their station ... and the process has been fortified by the poisons in our food, in our water supply, on the air waves and in the sky. And the rewiring only works if you are unaware it is there. By remembering your true vibration ... your mind is lifted to a place the pirates cannot reach. WE are REAL ... they are merely figments of this virtual machine. They are soulless and nothing more than astral servitors WE have created over the centuries by fearing ourselves. They are our fear manifest!!! WE are so much more ... the lion can up sticks and leave this place. The pirates cannot. They are fearful that the switch is going to be pulled, that we will vanish from this dimension and they will cease to exist. 2012 and beyond does represent something ...  vibrational resonances are changing. It is a fact. We must cease to be part of the lower end of the 3rd & 4th dimensional scale. We need to regain the vibrational states we once possessed in golden ages such as Atlantis ... these places are all around us ... but it is our frequencies that have dropped to a point where our senses no longer resonate on those dimensions. WE need to remember. We all need to be lions not lemmings. Leaping off the cliff top to fly ... not go crashing into the seas .... 2012 must appear like a shining doorway for us all ... its time long overdue to rid ourselves of the energy vampires. We need to recover our true faces, our true names and our true history. They have hot wired our past to suit their schemes ... what we are told is our 'past' is more than likely more of the bullshit we are fed each and every day. I for one am sick of being a mushroom ... kept in the dark and fed the smelly stuff. A lifetime of visits to the akashic records ... believe me the flowers smell really fresh ... no fragrance of the smelly stuff is on the air. It's time each and everyone one of us did the same ..........MJ