Further Reading

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Flu shot fantasies: How influenza vaccines halt flu infections (even when they don't)

Vaccines are so effective at halting disease that they confer total immunity, say vaccine advocates. "Take a flu shot and you won't get the flu!" Both flu shots and MMR vaccines are so safe and effective that everybody should beforcedto take them, they insist. And why? Because they claim all those un-vaccinated people will spread disease to the vaccinated people!

(Insert vinyl record screeching sound here.)

Hold on just a minute. Wasn't their whole argument about vaccines based on the idea that they confertotal immunityto those who take them? Well, if that's true then they should haveno fear whatsoeverof un-vaccinated people! According to vaccine promoters, if you take a flu shot vaccine, that means you can run around and drench yourself in flu viruses with total immunity. You can lick dirty doorknobs, shake hands with people who just wiped their runny noses, and even touch filthy drooling babies right before you eat a sandwich with your contaminated hands. Thanks to the vaccine, you're now bulletproof! So why worry at all about un-vaccinated people infecting you?...read more>>>....