Further Reading

Monday, 9 January 2012

Delivering The Lead Balloon

Lead Balloon: 'an unwelcomed
'The Devil' tarot card provides the perfect clue for this situation. Something which has been holding you back for too long. An issue which is stunting the growth of your spirit. A fear to be faced. The inevitable threshold to cross in order to move forwards in life. Enter the feared Numerological EIGHT vibration - that of 'lesson not learned is lesson to be repeated' with a sensitive awareness ... and you become aware of what must be done in order to prevail. Luckily some souls are braver than others ... they realise what must be done. Hence the  illustrated 'lead balloon' ... a situation to be faced where the lead balloon is released ... only to fall to the floor with a resounding 'crash'. The result is a soul moving forwards in its life; finally ... aware that The Devil has been faced and overcome, this time. And for those who were presented with 'the lead balloon' ... well that is their karma. It should not be the concern of the soul who has acted out its spirit's needs. Especially when the chance to move forwards (At last) has arrived ... and the moral of the story? One should always do something sooner than later. Procrastination only makes inevitable decisions that much more difficult to make. The first inkling of the need for change ... should be acted upon - MJ