Further Reading

Sunday 22 January 2012

Steps To Applying The Law Of Attraction

After deciding on your intent and desire, you should ask The Universe for it. A good way to make your request is to write in down in a concise manner. There is no need for unnecessary words or ideas.

Then, you need to bring your vibrations to match with the energy of your desired goals. This means that if you really decide that it is the convenience that you desire with having your own transport, then imagine how it feels like being in a car with the stereo on, playing your favorite song and enjoying the drive.

Just because you wish for it, does not necessarily make it happen rightaway. You also need to follow up with action. Your actions need to support your belief for your manifestations to come true. Say if it is a car that you desire, then you should sit for a driving test in order to get a driving license.

One of the best techniques for removing doubt is to record (in a log or journal) every instance which shows you are attracting more abundance into your life. Record even the smallest instance of abundance. This is proof that your desires do become reality.

Finally, for the Law Of Attraction to work well, it is important that you feel that you are already in possession of what's coming...read more>>>....