Further Reading

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Vlogging Alert - 'MJ.TV'

There's so much going on behind the scenes ...! So many plans now reaching fruition. 2012 is definitely shaping up to be THE year. After carefully scrutinising potential new ideas ... and new ways forward, it's time to present A Light In The Darkness is a new way. A video blog ... very much in the spirit of 'VLOGGING'. In the coming weeks a series of short video excerpts will be added to the Matthew James Medium channel on You Tube. Paranormal & new age themes will be discussed and featured in these excerpts by way of a trial. As with most things ... it will be trial and error. At a later date other ideas/plans will be added to this ... and it will most certainly evolve towards the destination that has been foreseen in recent months. The project has been provisionally nicknamed 'MJ.TV' ... and until a better name is devised this is what it will be known as!!! At this point it is impossible to glean exactly how it will pan out; it might be a serious embarrassment (MJ has to be filmed and be happy with the footage lol!) ... or it might be a long standing venture like A Light In The Darkness. It IS likely to be controversial as MJ will be encouraged to voice his opinions and his insights. Plus share a closer look into his own spiritual concepts and viewpoints. There is also the plan to feature a number of video readings or video rune/tarot tuitions ... plus interviews with MJ and selected guests. It promises to present something refreshing and exciting to A Light In The Darkness throughout 2012. So ... watch this space for more news of MJ.TV!